Andrea Strunz

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Andrea Strunz is a German writer and teacher who publishes on Amazon a series of German Grammar books and Dictionaries as well as novels. Initially I was asked to create new images and fictional characters based on the respective novel. Some of the novels required Vectored Illustrated images and others required realistic photography illustrations.

The implementation of the photographic covers was done with a lot of research for the ideal character. As this was not always possible, the combination and processing of many different photos with special effects was required, in order to achieve the ideal characteristics, length and hair colour, person’s clothes, texture and colour of a dragon, details of the season, etc.

The illustrated covers were designed in Adobe Illustrator from scratch, to give the atmosphere of the time according to the history of the book. Grammar books and Dictionaries were in a different philosophy, one containing images related to the country of the translated language and colours of the German flag and the other respectively having a fresher look differentiating from the ordinary layout.

Cover design, Illustration, Digital art