Lyberis Publications
Magazines & Books Publications
Liberis Publications SA was one of the major market players in publication of magazines and radio stations in Greece, between 1984 and 2012. Some of the Company's titles included Status, Men's Health, Ego, Lucky, Vogue Greece, Life & Style, Autobild, and 2 TV guides, “7meresTV” and “Tilecontrol”.
Employed between 2006-2012 in Atelier as the Team Leader of the tv magazine "Tilecontrol" and supporting “7meresTV” as well. The daily tasks was the Layout of the Themes such as the edit of the current topics, editorials, advertisements, retouching, optimisation of photos, proof of the printed sheets as well as a large amount of magazine supplements. Supporting Vogue and Lucky magazines for the layout of the pages.
Page Layout, Photo Editing, Advertising.